National Soil Erosion Research Lab |
An overview of NSERL work in the CEAP St. Joseph River Watershed can be found in the CEAP St. Joseph PDF document.
Weather, soil and other sensor data presented through the USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Reearch Laboratory(NSERL) CEAP web site is experimental. USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory(NSERL) provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. The data is collected in realtime and transmitted to the NSERL where it is made available on this website.
The official ARS repository for CEAP collected data from across the US is located at:
This monitored watershed is located near Auburn Indiana approximately 240 Km from The National Soil Erosion
Research Laboratory.
The weather station and soil sensor data is uploaded to
the NSERL every hour for those stations that are online. The sensors are
recording data every 10 minutes for weather and soil conditions. The stations
and sensors came online at different times from 2002 till 2007.
The drainage areas, major soils and landuse for the sampling sites are listed on the site description page.
The instruments used at the stations are listed on the instrumentation page.
Time-lapse image sequences from site cameras starting in 2021 are availbable on the cameras page.
The table below
gives an overview of the data availability. For a detailed summary of what data is available by year, month and day see the data availability page.
Station | Data Elements |
ALG | 2002-2005 level 2006 - level, velocity, fridge temp 2010 - Starting 4-12-2010 soil moisture,temperature,conductivity, dielectric. |
AME | 2004 - Oct to Dec - solar
radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative
humidity, rainfall, battery. 2005 - Starting 6-28-2005 new data include soil temperature, moisture, salinity, conductivity at 2", 8", 16" and 24" 2006 - Starting 4-1-2006 new data include level, velocity, fridge temp. 2011 11/17/2011 - Station moved to opposite side of ditch. Soil moisture probes removed. 2012 4/9/2012 - Weather station changed to Vaisala, soil moisture probes reinstalled. 2021 Station removed on 8/3/2021. |
AXL | 2002-2005 level 2006 - level, velocity, fridge temp |
BLG | 2004 - Oct to Dec - solar
radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative
humidity, rainfall, battery. 2005 - Starting 6-15-2005 new data include soil temperature, moisture, salinity, conductivity at 2", 8", 16" and 24" 2006 - Starting 4-1-2006 new data include level, velocity, fridge temp. 2022 - Station removed on 7/12/2022 |
CLG | 2002-2005 level 2006 - level, velocity, fridge temp 2017 - Station removed on 3/14/2017. |
AS1 | 2002 - Apr to Nov - solar
radiation, wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, total rain 2003 - solar radiation, wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, total rain 2004 - solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, total rain 2005 - Starting 5-21-2005 - new data include soil temperature, moisture, salinity, conductivity at 2", 8", 16" and 24". 2006 - solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, total rain, soil temperature, moisture, salinity, conductivity at 2", 8", 16" and 24". 2023 7/29 - Switched to Campbell data logger, data not in this database. |
CME | 2005 - Apr to Dec - solar
radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative
humidity, rainfall, battery. Starting 6-15-2005 soil temperature,
moisture, salinity, conductivity at 2", 8", 16" and
24". 2006 - solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, battery, soil temperature, moisture, salinity, conductivity at 2", 8", 16" and 24". Starting 4-1-2006 level, velocity, fridge temperature. 2011 - Station removed on 11/16/2011. |
AD | 2005 - May to Dec - wind speed,
wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure,
rainfall, rainfall intensity, hail amount, hail intensity, battery. Starting
6-28-2005 data include soil temperature, moisture, salinity, conductivity
at 2", 8", 16" and 24". Foot Slope (FS) conditions
for above also included. 2006 - Starting 4-1-2006 - new data include East and West Flow in L/s. 2007 - Starting 10-18-2007 - ADET added which monitors tile flow from the East depression. 2023 - 12/5 - Switched to Campbell data logger, data not in this database. |
ADWT | 2009 - Starting 5-19-2009 - Monitors from the West depression of the AD site - Tile flow, Tile level, rain, fridge temp 2017 - Station removed on 3/14/2017 |
F34 | 2005 - May to Nov - level 2006 - Jan to Mar - level. Starting 4-1-2006 velocity, fridge temperature. |
AS2 | 2007 - Starting May - weather station, level Starting Nov - added tile flow 2022 - 12/29 - Switched to Campbell data logger, data not in this database. |
BME | 2002-2006 - March - Nov - level 2006 - Starting 4-1-2006 velocity 2007 - Starting April 2007 rain 2010 - Starting 4-14-2010 soil moisture,temperature,conductivity, dielectric. 2013 - Station removed on 3/22/2013 |
D14 | 2010 - Starting in October - soil moisture, weather 2021 - Station removed on 2/4/2021. |
CME2 | 2012 - Starting April 9, 2012 - soil moisture, weather, level, velocity 2024 - 02/15 - Switched to Campbell data logger, data not in this database. |
D20 | 2012 - Starting October 26, 2012 - soil moisture, rainfall 2012 - Starting 11-14-2012 - weather 2024 - 01/04 - Switched to Campbell data logger, data not in this database. |
D05 | 2012 - Starting November 14, 2012 - soil moisture, weather 2021 - Station removed on 2/4/2021. |
BME2 | 2013 - Starting May 23, 2013 - soil moisture, rain, level, velocity |
D10 | 2013 - Starting August 1, 2013 - soil moisture, rain 2021 - Station removed on 5/12/2021. |
KC1 | 2015 - Starting November 3, 2015 - weather, tile flow,rain 2016 - Soil moisture at 2 and 8 inches added 11/18/2016 2024 - 10/10 - Switched to Campbell data logger, data not in this database. |
KC2 | 2015 - Starting November 3, 2015 - surface flow, tile flow, rain 2016 - Soil moisture at 2 and 8 inches added 11/18/2016 2024 - 02/15 - Switched to Campbell data logger, data not in this database. |
Missing Data and Errors in the Data
This data has not been quality checked. It is being recorded in realtime and
uploaded each hour to the NSERL server. If a station is offline there will be no
timestamps for that period in the database for that station. If a sensor is not
present there will be a null value for the data element. If a sensor is not
working the values reported will be significantly out-of range. The values are
not consistent, and may appear as -888, -100000.
Rainfall Data
The rain amounts are cumulative for 24 hours starting with 0 at 12:00AM each
day. At the end of the day the last reading is the total rainfall for that
Flow Rates
Flow rates for 2006 and 2007 for AME, ALG, AXL, BLG, CLG, CME and F34 are calculated based on ditch
profiles, water levels and velocity. Each location has a set of values that
equate stream level with the ditch profile area. The flow rate is calculated
using the equation Q = A*V where Q (m^3/s) is the flow rate, A (m^2) is the
ditch profile area occupied at a specific level and V is the velocity (m/s). As
new data is uploaded to the database flow rates are calculated and stored in the
database in liters per second. The current set of stage-area relationships are version 2007.4.3, the actual table values for the stage and cross section areas can be found here.
Data collected prior to 2006 does not have velocity
measurements so the flow rates are approximated based only on the level data.
The following equations are used to calculate flow rate for 2002-2005. These equations will be
adjusted once a year. The current set of equations are version 2007.4.3, as the equations are updated a newer version number will be assigned.
These equations may change as more data is gathered through the year. If the equations are modified all Flow Rate fields are updated in the database.
Flow rates for the depression site AD are measured values. Growing Degree Days If the highest temperature is above 86F then 86 is used as the highest
temperature. If the lowest temperature is below 50F then 50 is used as the lowest
temperature. If the highest temperature is below 50F then 0 growing degree days are
recorded for the day. Growing degree days are then calculated as (high + low)/2 - 50. For more information see the Purdue Extension page titled
Heat Unit Concepts Related to Corn Development
Criteria for Level or date
Equation y=discharge(LpS), x=level(meters)
y = 20664x2 - 21225x + 5742.5
y = 16169x - 10851
y = 736.95x2 + 935.16x + 74.987
y = 3494.7x - 766.26
y = 426.66x
y = 153.77x2 + 464.27x
y = 212.25x2 + 180x
y = 445.18x2 - 80x
y = 73.886x
y = 59.355x - 1.1325
y = 25.739x
y = 1001.3x2 - 217.75x + 12.404
y = 3269.1x2 - 1731x + 245
y = 2193.2x2 - 314.27x
y = 1482.2x2 - 155.42x
Jun-1 to Jun-15
y = 1125.8x2 - 209.87x
Jun-16 thru July
y = 342.99x2 - 10.961x
y = 900x2 - 200x
Apr and Nov
y = 1200x2-201.77x
May and Oct
y = 1000x2-188.93x
y = 500x2-7.1021x
y = 896.39-150x
y = 1448.6x2 + 835.73x - 129.53
y = 1717.4x2 + 127.98x
y = 70.971x - 11.228
Jan-Jun with level >0.44m
y = 1336.8x - 408.06
Jul-Dec with level >0.44m
y = 876.72x - 308.92
Growing degree days are calculated each time a complete day's data is stored
in the database. The growing degree days value for a single day is found by
taking the average temperature and subtracting 50. The average temperature for
the day is found by adding the highest and lowest temperatures for the day and
dividing by 2. Before computing the average the temperatures are subject to the
following limits: